Contacting members - Understand Primerishta Member Contacting Process
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Contacting & responding to Members on Prime Rishta

  1. How can I contact members on
    You can contact members on after we receive consent from both the families this helps us to save a lot of time of yours, other families and ours.

    Because here you will be connected to only those families where your preferences are meeting with each other.
  2. Is it necessary to have a paid membership to contact members on
    Yes, you need to have a paid membership to contact members on Free members can express interest in a profile, but they cannot send messages or initiate chats. Paid members have full access to all communication features of this service.
  3. How can I increase my chances of getting a response when I contact a member on
    You can increase your chances of getting a response when you contact a member on by personalizing your message and showing genuine interest in their profile. It is also essential to be respectful and courteous in your communication.
  4. Can I block or report a member if I receive inappropriate messages from them on
    Yes, you can block or report a member if you receive inappropriate messages from them on The website has a robust safety and security policy to ensure a safe and secure environment for all users.